Concerts 2024

6. of January 2024
Oslo Cathedral

A meeting between Norwegian and European medieval traditions

With Liv Ulvik, soprano
Inga Margrete Aas, double bass and tuba
Rolf Lislevand, baroque guitar
Nils Økland, fiddles

“Draumkvedet” (“The Dream Poem”) is a Norwegian visionary poem, probably dated from the late medieval age. It is one of the best known medieval ballads in Norway. The first written versions are from Lårdal and Kviteseid in Telemark in the 1840s.
The protagonist, Olav Åsteson, falls asleep on Christmas Eve and sleeps until the thirteenth day of Christmas. Then he wakes, and rides to church to recount his dreams to the congregation, about his journey through the afterlife. The events are in part similar to other medieval ballads like the Lyke Wake Dirge: a moor of thorns, a tall bridge, and a black fire. After these, the protagonist is also allowed to see Hell and some of Heaven. The poem concludes with specific advice of charity and compassion, to avoid the various trials of the afterlife.

Thirteenth day of Christmas was a great feast day in the medieval church: Epiphania Domini, the revelation of the Lord, was celebrated in memory of Christ coming to the world as king. Church music was common to all of Catholic Europe. This is what we call Gregorian song, and it also sounded in Norway. On that very day, the holy three kings came to worship the child of Jesus with gifts, and the priest read the same story from the gospel.

5. February
Oslo Cathedral:

Vesper in Oslo Cathedral on the occasion of the first meeting of the new Episcopal Council.
Other contributors: Group from Oslo Cathedral under the direction of Heide Müller.
Kåre Nordstoga, organ.
Provost Pål Kristian Balstad
Leading cathedral priest Valborg Orset Stene

14. February
Oslo Cathedral:
Ash Wednesday fair.
Valborg Stene, liturgist
Helene Sele, deacon
Marcus André Berg, organ

Participation at
“Aunt 2024”
Marking of the 1000th anniversary of the Christian laws in Norway

Saturday 1 June
Concert in Moster old church
Midnight mass in Moster old church

Sunday 2 June
Mass in Moster Old Church and Moster Amphitheatre
The Consortium Vocale opened the mass with Gregorian chant.

More info in English

Friday 30 August at 16:30
Gregorian Vespers in Oslo Cathedral
Sancti Aegidii abbatis et confessoris ad primas vesperas

Friday 13. september
Oslo Cultural night
Consortium Vocale ended Oslo Culture Night in Oslo Cathedral with a late evening concert. The program consisted of songs to Saint Olav combined with European Gregorian chant, as well as Norwegian contemporary music inspired by Gregorian chant.

Feast for Saint Olav in Rome

October 16.

San Carlo al Corso
Celebration Mass at the Olav Altar in memory of Saint Olav’s conversion and baptism
In addition to Consortium Vocale, Oslo Cathedral’s boys’ choir and cathedral cantor Vegard Sandholt will also participate

October 17.
Seminar at The Venerable English College, 45 Via di Monserrato
The seminar entitled “The Power of Law” begins at 09:30
at 13:00
Musical lecture: Consortium Vocale by Lars Brusletto Sveen

Sunday 10. November
Gregorian mass in Oslo Cathedral




Oslo Cathedral Christmas Concerts
Friday, December 13th
Saturday, December 14th – two concerts
Sunday, December 15th – two concerts

Consortium Vocale Oslo
Oslo Cathedral Boys’ Choir
Trefoldighet Girls’ Choir
Oslo Cathedral Youth Choir
Oslo Cathedral Choir
Tormod Åsgård and Gry Aubert Bang, trumpet
Marie and Joar Nøkleby Lemme, trombone
Teodor Berg, timpani
Sidsel Walstad, harpist
Kåre Nordstoga and Marcus André Berg, organ
Vivianne Sydnes, Sindre Hugo Bjerkestrand, David Maiwald, Edle Stray-Pedersen, conductors