Consortium Vocale


Consortium Vocale Oslo
Consortium Vocale Oslo, founded in 1985, is a male vocal ensemble based at Oslo Cathedral. Since 1998 the ensemble has specialized in Gregorian chant under the direction of Alexander M. Schweitzer. Under Schweitzer’s guidance the group has dedicated itself to the palaeographic study of medieval manuscripts, to an appropriation of the theological-spiritual dimension of the Gregorian repertoire, and to an interpretation of Gregorian chant according to semiological principles.
Under the leadership of Alexander M. Schweitzer, Consortium Vocale Oslo has released six CDs of Gregorian chant in addition to the present recording: Laus mea Dominus (ASV Gaudeamus, 2002), Exaudiam eum (2L, 2007), Vultum tuum (EOS Verlag, 2008), Resurrexi (EOS Verlag, 2013), Salvum me fecit (EOS Verlag, 2016), Historia Sancti Olavi (Lawo classics 2016) and Mirabilia fecit Dominus (EOS Verlag, 2016). (Recordings)


Next performances:

Olav’s feast days in Rome
Wednesday 16 October at 16:00
San Carlo al Corso
Festive Mass at the Olav altar in memory of Saint Olav’s conversion and baptism
In addition to Consortium Vocale, Oslo Cathedral’s boys’ choir and cantor Vegard Sandholt will participate

Thursday 17 October
Seminar at The Venerable English College, 45 Via di Monserrato
The seminar entitled “Jussens kraft” (the power of law) begins at 09:30

at 13:00
Musical lecture: Consortium Vocale v/ Lars Brusletto Sveen

Program for the Olavs feast days